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Useful connections

Venture Capital and Financing

European Venture Capital Association

Financing Sustainable Energy Directory

Acore's REFIN directory

CleanTech and Sustainability

Economist Alternative Energy Research Tools

Cleantech Venture Network

INSEAD Sustainability Executive Roundtable

European Business Council For Sustainability

European Social Investment Forum (EUROSIF)

American Council On Renewable Energy (Acore)

New Energy Finance

Eden Energy

Forum fuer Zukunftsenergien

Forschung fuer die Nachhaltigkeit


The Ashden Awards

European Union



EU Directorate Energy & Transport

For Entrepreneurs

Tornado Insider

IPR Helpdesk


Deutsche Bank

Energy Prospects after the Petroleum Age / Energieperspektiven nach dem Oelzeitalter

For the German version, click here.
For the English version, click

University of Sankt Gallen, Switzerland

What makes a good industry for venture capitalists? Risk, return and time as factors determining the emergence of the European energy VC market. Rolf Wüstenhagen & Tarja Teppo, October 2004 - University of Sankt Gallen, Switzerland. To download the document, click

Bear Stearns

The Future of Power Equipment

For the Executive Summary (small download), click here.
For the full report (big download), click

Publications in which Axiom has been involved

Environmental Finance October 2005

Venture Capital for sustainability - Eurosif 2007

Socially Responsible Investment und umwelt-orientiertes Venture Capital - Working Paper #33, Institute of Management Berlin. To view this document, click here.

ESCP-EAP Alumni Magazine TEAM - I/2007

Presentation given by Alexis FIGEAC at the German Ministry of Environment conference 30.8.2007 on "Climate Change and Financial Service Providers: tapping markets of the future". For the presentation click here. For the conference findings click here.

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